Take Advantage of Great Fall Weather to Check Your Roof

After the heat of the summer, many of us begin to look at the coming fall weather with much anticipation. Thoughts of leaves gently tumbling to the ground, the nip of cooler air and lower air conditioning bills seem like a blessed relief after the harsh temperatures in and around the Alliance, OH area. While you are out enjoying the change of seasons, take a few minutes to inspect your roof to see if it needs any type of service before winter hits.

Signs that Repair is Needed

While you can observe some parts of your roof from the ground, you will definitely need a ladder in order to do a thorough inspection. Here are some parts of the roof that you want to check, then double check, as it is much easier to find and have problems repaired before the winter snow starts to fall.

  1. Look for Storm Damage – Anyone who has needed a roof replacement due to a storm in Cambridge, OH and the surrounding areas will tell you that the worst storms have a lot of wind. Sure, there is hail and an occasional tornado, but the wind tends to do the most damage incurring insurance claims. Check your roof to see if there are any shingles that are loose or missing due to these high winds.


  1. Look for Weak Points – Take a minute to notice where the materials on or around your roof change. This could be from roofing to gutter, or from roofing to metal flashing that is used to surround chimneys, air vents or skylights. Make sure that these are still holding nice and tight so that the winter weather does not creep in.


  1. Be Sure to Check the Edge – Your roof does not simply end at the edge. Instead, the shingles and gutters should form a protective barrier so that the wood of your roof does not decay away. If you see peeling paint or decay on the fascia of your house, it’s always a good idea to contact a roofing professional in your area to see what can be done to prevent further damage.

Many local roofing companies offer a yearly service plan that gives you peace of mind because they will do a thorough roof inspection for you once a year. Whether you inspect your own roof or hire a local roofer to do it for you, just make sure it gets done before the snow starts to fall!