Home Upgrades That Will Extend Your Home’s Lifespan

Homeowners often focus on the ROI when considering a home upgrade. For those who aren’t looking to sell their home anytime soon, however, longevity is a top priority when investing in an upgrade. But what are the upgrades that will provide the best performance for the longest amount of time? Tango & Gatti, a top roofing contractor in the state, lists them below. 

Water-Resistant Roofing 

Mold is the bane of every homeowner’s existence. Many homeowners might not even realize their house has mold until it has already spread to multiple rooms. 

The key to preventing mold growth is preventing moisture damage. Mold grows in dark and moist places, which are common in homes with leaking roofs. As such, the best way to prevent mold from taking hold in your house is by investing in a sturdy, water-resistant roofing system

A contractor will be able to advise you about whether you need a roof replacement. They’ll usually inspect your roof to check its current condition and estimate its remaining lifespan. 

More Efficient Gutters 

Rainwater slides off the roof’s surface and enters your gutters and downspouts. You need to make sure your gutters are able to capture all the water runoff. 

Ask yourself the following questions to determine if your gutters need an upgrade: 

If the answer is yes to any of these questions, then it’s time to get a new gutter system. 

Sturdier Siding  

Your siding may not be as exposed to rain, water and UV rays as your roofing system, but it has to be just as durable. Leaks or damp spots in your siding are a sign it’s time for an upgrade. 

Even the sturdiest roof won’t protect you if it isn’t installed properly. That’s why you should only hire a reputable contractor to install your roof properly. 

Tango & Gatti is a top-rated contractor on HomeAdvisor. As a testament to our commitment to providing only the highest level of service to our customers, we were awarded the Angie’s List Super Service Award in 2013. To get a free estimate, call (330) 303-4222 or fill out this form. We serve homeowners in Canton and Barnesville, OH, and nearby areas.