The roofing or siding job estimate you receive is crucial. It should contain a comprehensive breakdown of all costs associated with the project. An inaccurate or incomplete estimate could leave you with a nasty surprise once the job has begun.
Tips to Properly Maintain Your Siding
Your siding is not just for exterior aesthetics, it also protects your home. It’s important to keep your siding in good condition. This starts by properly maintaining it. In this article, trusted siding and roofing company Tango & Gatti discusses tips on how to properly maintain your siding.
Choosing a Siding Contractor: 4 Questions to Ask
In order to achieve a safe, comfortable and climate-controlled home, your siding—or the outer cladding of the house—needs to be correctly installed. Before you sign on the dotted line and make a commitment with a siding and roofing contractor, make sure to ask a series of important questions to know whether or not you are hiring […]
6 Key Siding Terms Every Homeowner Should Know
Technical terms can be difficult to avoid when discussing your siding installation plans with a contractor. In today’s post, local siding and roofing company Tango & Gatti shares the key terms about siding that you should be familiar with.
How Does Your Siding Affect Your Home’s Interior?
Major parts of your exterior, such as the roofing system and siding, do more than protect your home against the elements. They elevate the look of your house and keep excess moisture out. Did you know that your siding plays a major role in your indoor comfort as well?
Benefits of Vinyl Siding
Replacing your siding? Just like with roof replacement, you have many materials to choose from for your siding replacement. One of the most popular materials is vinyl–and for good reason. In today’s post, Tango & Gatti discusses the benefits of vinyl siding.
A Few Essential Facts About Stucco Siding
Stucco, a cement-type mixture added to sand or lime, has been a prominent siding material for hundreds of years. Its low cost and versatility are two of the main qualities that attract homeowners. Stucco can perform well in various regions, although it’s mostly recommended for homes in warm, dry climates.
What is The Best Way to Clean Your Siding This Fall?
There are many things to love about your new aluminum siding. It has increased your curb appeal, it is energy efficient and you will never have to scrape and paint your house again. You may be noticing with the onset of fall, that your new siding is gathering a little bit of dirt, debris, and […]